Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Glacier Bay and beyond

June 14

I am sitting in the Seattle airport on my way home after over 2 1/2 months on the Knot Wafflen'.

A lot has happened since the last entry and there is not a whole lot (or any) wifi where we have been traveling so I will try to sum most of it up quickly and share the photos.

We left Juneau June 10 and were able to secure a permit to enter Glacier Bay.  Bucket item achieved for David!  We spent two glorious nights on the hook in the park, one night at the base of Reid Glacier.  We left the park and spent one night in Hoonah, the Tilingit community on Chichagof Island. Even though they are now a cruise ship stop, the village seems to be managing  their growth and we enjoyed a quick visit and quiet night on the city dock.

Up early (4 am) for the 3 hour run to Auke Harbor where we turned the boat over to Aspen Power Catermaran's owner Larry Graff,  got a ride to a hotel near the airport, grabbed a few winks and caught the 0520 Alaskan Airlines flight to Seattle.  I said goodbye to the crew and am now waiting on my flight to Denver and then on to RDU.

Meanwhile, back in Glacier Bay-

Quick hike before boating orientation and check in at Park office in Bartlett Cove.

Cute couple

This answers the age old question about the wild bear

 Back out on the water-



It''s an otter!  Its a rock.  It's an otter, I saw it's head move!    It was a rock.

Manhattans with ice straight from the berg.  Nothing but the best for the crew of Knot Wafflen"!

Photo heavy, I know, but I hoped you enjoyed!

Going to be home for a couple of weeks and then back to Alaska where the adventure will continue.

Till next time.....

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